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Nvivo for your literature review

Nvivo for your literature review In-Person

The course "Nvivo for your literature review" builds on competencies and knowledge learned in our "Introduction to qualitative data analysis software (QDAS)". The introductory course is offered throughout the semester, in Danish and in English. Read more our Nvivo courses in the library's course calendar.

In Nvivo for your Literature Review we focus on analytical techniques useful for literature reviews. The techniques and discussions we cover during the course can also be used when writing articles, conference papers, and student assignments. This is because NVivo helps you organize and “code” (categorize) your literature, identify concepts and visualize relationships between them and document your method. It can also be helpful in generating hypotheses and generally getting an overview of your project. 

At the end of the workshop participants will have learned and practised:

  • setting-up an NVivo project: importing data from reference managers, creating folders, using case nodes, and classification attributes 
  • using basic analysis features of NVivo: creating parent and child nodes, reviewing and changing coding, adding annotations, applying links, and memoing
  • performing queries and creating frameworks to allow you to compare coded material across different demographics or among themes


Preperation for the workshop

Before the course, you must install the version of NVivo called NVivo 14.

  • This can be done here for Windows: https://download.qsrinternational.com/Software/NVivo14/NVivo.x64.exe
  • And here for Mac:https://download.qsrinternational.com/Software/NVivo14forMac/NVivo.dmg

Registration key is available through the UCPH Software Library.

Please note: NVivo can be found in tthe Software Library under the link "QSR International - NVivo".

In case of any difficulties in this process, please contact Copenhagen University’s Service desk


Please read the following carefully:

You need to do two things to prepare for the course

  1. Download the Nvivo sample project "Literature Review. Virtual reality and health". When you have installed Nvivo 14, open the programme up. On the welcome page you will see a link to "More Sample Projects". Click on this link to gain access to the sample project. You will have to log in to your Nvivo profile to download.
    Short cut: Link to sample projects for Windows: https://help-nv.qsrinternational.com/20/win/Content/about-nvivo/explore-sample-project.htm
    Short cut: Link to sample projects for MAC: https://help-nv.qsrinternational.com/14/mac/Content/about-nvivo/explore-sample-project.htm
  2. Have some PDF files in your chosen referencemanager. During the course, we will go through how to import files into Nvivo.

Please find our Absalon course room HERE


Workshop design
The teaching is based on the PC version of NVivo, where especially for literature reviews the program works best. The Mac-version of the programme is not on the same level as the PC version, but you can of course attend the course with a Mac but there will be some functions not available for you to use. 

If you are interested in working with interview data in NVivo, please attend the advanced NVivo course NVivo og interviewdata

The course requires a minimum of five participants.

Related website with more workshops and tutorials

/Lorna Wildgaard (lowi@kb.dk) 

9:00 - 11:30
Time Zone:
Central European Time (change)
KUB Nord: Lighthouse
KUB Nord - Natur og Sundhedsvidenskab, Nørre Allé 49, 2200 København N
  Analysis     Datalab     English  
Registration has closed.

Event Organizer

Søren Davidsen
Profile photo of Lorna Wildgaard
Lorna Wildgaard