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Data Management Plans at UCPH

Data Management Plans at UCPH In-Person


This five-hour workshop is open for all employees and researchers affiliated with the University of Copenhagen who wish to learn on how to get started with a Data Management Plan (DMP) and how to implement good practices for research data management in their own projects (or how to support others in doing so).


In 2022, UCPH released a new Policy for Research Data Management that outlines the requirements for students, researchers, research support staff and leadership for ensuring the secure and efficient management of all material and data used for research purposes – in line with any legal, ethical and contractual constraints and according to the standards for research integrity and best practices in the field: https://research.ku.dk/integrity/documents/UCPH_Policy_for_Research_Data_Management_2022.pdf

One of these requirements is the creation of a Data Management Plan (DMP). A DMP is a document that contains questions on collecting, processing, storing, securing, sharing and preserving material and data in a research project. UCPH provides a DMP template that helps researchers to plan and conduct their own projects.

In the workshop, we will present this DMP template as useful tool for identifying potential risks and challenges in managing research data, for aligning expectations between project collaborators or supervisor and PhD student, and for ensuring a high level of transparency and credibility in research.



Learning Objectives

  • Understand the requirements for research data management in your own projects.
  • Identify potential risks and challenges in managing your own research data.
  • Use the DMP template to design a good strategy for collecting, handling and sharing your material and data.
  • Incorporate the FAIR principles in your research data management.
  • Make use of your own DMP in collaboration and supervision.



Research data specialists from Copenhagen University Library and the UCPH Information Security Unit will:

  • Discuss general concepts for research data management.
  • Introduce the DMP as a planning tool for research projects.
  • Explain the UCPH template in detail.
  • Provide guidance for the questions in the UCPH template.
  • Present examples for different disciplines.
  • Give tips and tricks for writing a good DMP.
  • Highlight tools, guidelines and support for research data management.

You are also welcome to bring forward any questions and issues for discussion.





We expect participants to familiarize themselves with the UCPH Policy for Research Data Management (https://kunet.ku.dk/work-areas/research/data/ucph-policy-for-research-data-management/). Note that there might exist additional policies and guidelines at your faculty or department.

We also encourage participants to have a look at UCPH’s DMP template (https://kunet.ku.dk/work-areas/research/data/data-management-plans/) before the workshop. You are welcome to bring any questions about the template or even a first draft of your own DMP along to the workshop. We recommend the DMPonline tool for writing DMP’s: dmponline.deic.dk

For a general introduction to research data management, see the Research Portal (https://kunet.ku.dk/work-areas/research/data/) and Chapter 3 in the Danish Handbook for Courses in Responsible Conduct of Research (http://infro.ku.dk/rcr.pdf).



Katrine Düring Davidsen

Department for Research & Information Security,
University of Copenhagen


Asger Væring Larsen

Department for Research Support,
Copenhagen University Library



Anyone interested in learning how to prepare and use a DMP at UCPH, in particular researchers, supervisors and PhD students, as well as support staff including data managers and data stewards.

We run a separate DMP workshop for Horizon Europe grant holders and project coordinators twice a year in April and October, see UCPH’s course catalogue: https://kunet.ku.dk/medarbejderguide/Sider/Kursuskatalog/kalender.aspx

On request, we can tailor this workshop for individual departments, research groups, projects and similar. Please contact us via datamanagement@ku.dk



Free of charge

9:00 - 14:00
Time Zone:
Central European Time (change)
UCPH, South Campus: Njalsgade 76, 2300 CPH S - Room: 4A.0.15 (building 4A, ground floor, room 15)
South Campus

Event Organizer

Profile photo of Department for Research Support UCPH Forskerservice KU
Department for Research Support UCPH Forskerservice KU