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Ekstra Python 3 - Regulære udtryk In-Person
Vil du fordybe dig i Python udover din undervisning?
Kursets formål er at give deltagerne kendskab til begrebet regulære udtryk og give eksempler på implemtering af regulære udtryk i python scripts. Workshoppen foregår i undervisningslokalet på føste sal på biblioteket på Søndre Campus.
Kursusmaterialet ligger her: https://github.com/lrskjr/extra_python
Inden kursets start bedes ud have downloadet og installeret Anaconda: https://www.anaconda.com/download
EN: Extra Python 3
Regular Expressions The purpose of the workshop is to gain a better understanding of the concept of regular expressions and to try implementing regular expressions in our Python scripts. The workshop takes place in the classroom on the first floor of the library at Søndre Campus.
Before starting the course, please download and install Anaconda: https://www.anaconda.com/download
The course material is located here: https://github.com/lrskjr/extra_python
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