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KUB Datalab Orange Eurovision Dataset Workshop

KUB Datalab Orange Eurovision Dataset Workshop In-Person

KUB Datalab Eurovision

Orange is a program for text and data mining, and the great thing about Orange is that it can be used without any programming skills.

The Orange workshop is recommended if you want to understand how data, such as digital texts, are transformed in digital data analysis.

For the workshop, we have planned small exercises on text analysis, and we provide short introductions as a prelude to the exercises. You will gain insight into how you can use Orange to collect data and create systematics in large collections of texts and numbers.

The data for this workshop is this data set: "Measuring the {Eurovision Song Contest}: A Living Dataset for Real-World {MIR}" by John Ashley Burgoyne and Janne Spijkervet and David John Baker, 2023

We touch on important concepts such as embedding, vectorization, and distance calculation, which are cornerstones in machine learning, text, and data mining. Sign up via KUB Datalab's calendar. There are 12 spots available.

Please be aware that you need to download and install Orange before the course.

The workshop will be held in KUB Lighthouse Zone 1. Please use the library's main entrance and follow the signs.

9:30 - 11:30
Time Zone:
Central European Time (change)
Lighthouse, Zone 1
KUB Nord - Natur og Sundhedsvidenskab, Nørre Allé 49, 2200 København N
  Analysis     Datalab     Harvesting     Visualisation  
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Event Organizer

Profile photo of Lars Kjær
Lars Kjær
Søren Davidsen