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R and APIs - Statistics Denmark

R and APIs - Statistics Denmark In-Person

APIs provide access to a multitude of information.

In this course we cover how to extract data though APIs using the Statistics Denmark and i can haz dad joke APIs as examples.

The course material can be found on this website. Please make sure that you have followed the under "Setup" to install R and RStudio as well as some additional packages.

The course requires some previous knowledge of R. We will assume that you are familiar with:

  • Navigating in RStudio, and how to interact with R
  • Datatypes, variables and objects
  • Simple arithmetic and logical operations on data
  • Working with functions - and how to write a very simple function ourself
  • Import data into R
  • Summary statistics 
  • Manipulating data frames

These topics are covered in our introductory courses in R.

10:00 - 12:00
Time Zone:
Central European Time (change)
Library Lighthouse, Zone 1
KUB Nørre Campus, Nørre Allé 49, 2200 København N
  Datalab     English     Harvesting  
Registration has closed.

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Profile photo of Christian Knudsen
Christian Knudsen



Københavns Universitetsbibliotek, KUB Datalab