Event box

Zotero-kursus for SUND og SCIENCE In-Person

Zotero er et referencehåndteringsprogram, som gør det nemt at arbejde med referencer i forbindelse med opgaveskrivningen.

På kurset lærer du at indsamle, organisere, citere og dele referencer.

Zotero kan bruges på både Windows og Mac. Du henter selve zotero-programmet gratis på https://www.zotero.org/

Undervisningen finder sted på KUB-Nord i undervisningsområdet KUB-Lighthouse. Vær opmærksom på, at du skal bruge bibliotekets hovedindgang for at finde vej til undervisningsområdet.

Medbring egen pc.

Zotero-introduktion (5 små videoer af 2-3 minutters varighed) kan ses her.

Undervisningen holdes på engelsk, hvis det ønskes af en eller flere deltagere.


In English:

Zotero is a reference management software that makes it easy to work with references in relation to assignment writing.

On the course, you will learn to collect, organise, cite, and share references.

Zotero can be used on both Windows and Mac. You can download the Zotero programme for free at https://www.zotero.org/

The teaching takes place at KUB Nord in the teaching area KUB-Lighthouse. Please note that you need to use the library's main entrance to find your way to the teaching area.

Zotero introduction (5 short videos of 2-3 minutes duration) can be viewed here.

The teaching will be conducted in English if requested by one or more participants.

9:00 - 10:30
Time Zone:
Central European Time (change)
Library Lighthouse, zone 1
KUB Nørre Campus, Nørre Allé 49, 2200 København N

Registration is required. There are 25 seats available.

Event Organizer

Profile photo of Henrik Tang
Henrik Tang