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Open Up Your Academic Publishing Toolbox - a course for PhD students from all faculties (In-Person)

Open Up Your Academic Publishing Toolbox - a course for PhD students from all faculties (In-Person) In-Person

This course is a one-day workshop that takes place on the 19th of June from 8:45 to 16:00. Participation for the entire day and completion of assignments before and after the course day is required to receive 1 ECTS credit. 

Note: Please use your @KU mail for signing up if you are affiliated with UCPH.

Course description 

Academic publishing is an essential part in any researcher’s work and a cornerstone for the development of an academic career. This cross-disciplinary course will address the opportunities and challenges that you as PhD student might face in the process of publishing your research, including journal articles (or monographs) and datasets. The aim of the course is to provide you with knowledge, skills, and tools for disseminating your research in an open and responsible way, and in accordance with requirements from your university, your funder, and your research community. Through discussions with the course instructors and your fellow participants, you will gain insight into traditions and practices across disciplines and look at academic publishing from different perspectives.


Course content 

The course will cover the following topics: 

  • Copyright in publishing 

  • Open Access publishing 

  • Creative Commons licenses 

  • Publishing research data according to the FAIR principles 

  • Scholarly profiles

You will have the opportunity to engage with experts from the university library and put forward all questions and concerns you have about publishing your research. Active participation and exchange of ideas with your classmates is encouraged.


Learning Objectives 

After the course, you will be able to: 

  • Identify challenges and pitfalls in academic publishing 

  • Interpret terms and conditions from publishers 

  • Discuss suitable publication pathways with your supervisor and colleagues 

  • Apply designated tools for academic publishing 

  • Assess the benefits and challenges of publishing your manuscripts and research data openly 

  • Use scholarly profiles in order to make your research activities visible

Course format 

This in-person course consists of five different sessions, each including presentations, discussions, cases, and hands-on activities. 

Preparation and workload 

Participation in the course yields 1 ECTS – equivalent to a maximum of 25 working hours, as agreed between the graduate schools. These hours include preparatory reading and assignments before the course, a homework assignment after the course (described below) and the classroom activities during the entire workshop day. 

In order to receive the ECTS credit, you will have to: 

  • fill out a digital survey containing preparatory questions. You must submit the survey one week before the start of the course. The survey takes about 1 hour to complete and will be available on the Absalon learning platform (see information below about how to access Absalon). 

  • follow the course curriculum with mandatory literature and several small assignments as preparation prior to the course. You should expect to spend up to 10 hours on the curriculum. You will receive detailed information after registration. 

  • hand in a small homework assignment within 5 working days after course-end. This assignment takes a maximum of 2 hours to complete and will be introduced during the course. Completion of the homework assignment is mandatory to receive the ECTS credit. 

  • submit a course evaluation within 5 working days after the course.

Target group 

This course is targeted at PhD students from all faculties and disciplines at the University of Copenhagen. Academic staff (VIP) and PhD students from other universities are also welcome. However, 80% of the places on the course are reserved for PhD students from the University of Copenhagen.

Absalon - course administration, communication and assignments 

Please note that you have to use Absalon in order to participate in the course. Absalon is the University of Copenhagen's digital learning platform. 

All participants employed at the University of Copenhagen will receive an invitation for the course in Absalon to their @KU mail. Please accept this invitation and log on with your regular credentials.

Information for participants not affiliated to UCPH 

Participants who do not have UCPH credentials will receive login details to Absalon via email.

Course location 

University of Copenhagen, South Campus, building 4A, first floor, room 46 (4A.1.46) 

Map over South Campus



Morning: Coffee, tea, and croissants 
Lunch: Sandwich 
Afternoon: Coffee, tea, and cake





Course credit 


You must participate in all five  modules  and complete the assignments for preparation and homework as described above to receive the ECTS credit.


Course certificates 

You will receive the course certificate by mail after the end of the course and on completion of the course evaluation and the homework assignment. We use the name from your course registration on your course certificate. You will need to forward the certificate to the PhD school at your faculty to receive credit. Note that some faculties/PhD schools require PhD students to use frontPlanner when allocating ECTS credits.


Course facilitator 

Copenhagen University Library, Department for Research Support (phdcourses@kb.dk)



Participation is free of charge, but registration is binding. If you need to cancel your participation, you must do this by email to phdcourses@kb.dk no later than 7 days prior to course start.


Last day for registration 

June 12, 2025


Minimum attendance 

We require a minimum number of 18 registered participants to conduct the course. In case of cancellation of the course, we will notify you by email 7 days prior to course start. 

Personal Data Protection Policy 

Never write sensitive personal data, such as your CPR or personal health data. Copenhagen University Library/The Royal Danish Library uses your personal data to process your registration to the course, e.g. for e-mail correspondence and forwarding of course diploma. Note that in certain instances your personal data may be transferred outside the EU/EEA, as our software provider Springshare is located in the US (Springshare is only used for registration of the participants). More information about how Copenhagen University Library/Royal Danish Library processes personal data can be found here. You can contact Copenhagen University Library’s/Royal Danish Library’s data protection officer (DPO) at persondata@kb.dk 

8:45 - 16:00
Time Zone:
Central European Time (change)
South Campus
  Academic publishing     PhD course  

Registration is required. There are 30 seats available.

Event Organizer

Profile photo of Department for Research Support UCPH Forskerservice KU
Department for Research Support UCPH Forskerservice KU